The CYO Coaches Certification Program 2018/19
CYO is a ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Oakland with expectations of training and screening for all who lead and interact with our young people. CYO Coaches Workshops are to each year allow the ooaches to gather in prayer, to reflect on coaching chidlren with an emphasis on Gospel values, and to receive policies and information about coaching in CYO. Diocesan Training and Screening requriements are to help ensure that adults will safely interact with young peple.
All CYO Coaches must be certified to coach prior to each sports season. This page contains certification requirements, safe environment requirements and current information on CYO Coaches' Certification Workshops.
CYO Coaches' Certification
Coaches' Certification Workshops - Workshops to certify coaches will be held prior to the beginning of each sport season. Coaches who attend a Coaches' Certification Workshop, and who meet program and safe enviroment requirements, will be certified to coach in that sport for that school year.
Attendance at a Workshop during that school year and prior to that sport season is mandatory for all coaches and assistant coaches. Coaches must attend the entire workshop to be certified. (Without a certified coach, a team may not participate in CYO.)
Announcements of dates, times, and locations of workshops will be available to the athletic directors and posted on this web page prior to each sport season.
Workshops will include prayer, CYO philosophy, rules, and safety procedures..
Safe Environment Training and Screening - It is required that each coach complete diocesan safe environment training and cleared through Livescan fingerprint screening prior to workng with children and CYO certification. See the Diocesan Safe Environment Training section below for details.
Certification Cards - Certification cards are presented to coaches at the end of each workshop who complete program requirements. All coaches should carry their certification cards with them to all the games and be prepared to present them when requested by game referees or gym monitors. Failure to provide proof of current certification within 48 hours will result in a forfeit of the team for that game. Any person on the team bench (excluding team members and scorekeepers) must have a valid certification card.
Additional Certification Requriements - CYO certified coaches of the team must be of high school age or older. Coaches must be selected and approved to coach by their parish or Catholic school, and then complete Safe Environment Training and the screening process and be selected and approved to coach by their parish or Catholic school Coaches must agree to follow the "Diocesan Safe Environment "Code of Conduct Involving Interaction with Minors."
Note: Coaches who are under 18 years of age must attend a coaches workshop and review and complete the "Code of Conduct for Minors Volunteering or Working with Younger Children." They should not complete Virtus Safe Environment training nor be fingerprinted.
Diocesan Safe Environment Training
Required for All CYO Coaches
It is required that each coach complete diocesan safe environment training. (These trainings are NOT included in the coaches' workshops;) Coaches need to complete the traning "on line" or attend a "live training" in the parish or Catholic School prior to attending a workshop. Details are included on each workshop flyer posted here. Coaches will not be certified to coach until the safe environment requirement has been completed.
ALL NEW COACHES are required to complete or to recomplete the Safe Environment Training (SET) Course, to be completed after July 1, 2017. All coaches should bring their SET completion certificate to the workshop.
RETURNING COACHES need to recomplete Safe Environment Training if their course was completed before July 1, 2017.
The provider for Safe Environment Training in the Diocese of Oakland is Virtus Online Safe Environment Training. For more information, please see the links, below:
Oakland Diocese Safe Environment Training Information
Virtus Online Safe Environment Training
Fingerprint Screening
Required for CYO Coaches
All CYO coaches, athletic directors and cheerleader moderators are required to be fingerprinted and cleared. Volunteers must be Live Scanned for the Diocese of Oakand.
Coaches who have been successfully fingerprinted for the Diocese of Oakland (CYO or another diocesan agency) do not have to be re-fingerprinted.